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Asia Region Anti-Trafficking Conference

Asia Region Anti-Trafficking Conference

ARAT is a Community Initiative of the Global Learning Community. The ARAT Planning Committee for 2024 is a joint partnership of Chab Dai, The Freedom Story, Dark Bali, The Whispering Willow, and Ashray and is held each July. The planning committee carefully selects speakers and sessions based on our themes:

1) Organizational Development & Capacity Building – Contributing to the ongoing development of individuals and organizations in attendance and providing them with practical tools, resources, and knowledge for professional growth

2) Current Trends & Research in the Region – Equipping conference attendees with up-to-date research from our sector and information about the developing trafficking trends within the region

3) Survivor Inclusion – Prioritizing the role of survivors of trafficking in the movement and ensuring that they retain a prominent place as contributors both on stage and behind the scenes

4) Collaboration & Networking – Cultivating a space where relationships can be forged and strengthened for the benefit of the movement and the people in it


The ARAT Mission

  • To develop multi-sector learning and partnerships to improve our responses to the issues of human trafficking and slavery in Asia.

  • To be updated on the trends and changes in the last 3-5 years in the region and its impact for the future to establish the realities of our context

  • To learn from each other the leading practices in what we do in our contexts

  • To identify key industries and contexts for collaborative action

Learn more about the Asia Region Anti-Trafficking Conference by visiting the website


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