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10 Fantastic Books About Human Trafficking & Modern Day Slavery

Book list Blog

If you are looking for a deep dive into learning the complexity of modern day slavery or trying to find some resources to understand how you can help or you just want to listen to the voices of survivors themselves, we’ve got you covered. The following list has the top 10 titles that we recommend […]

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COVID-19: Human Trafficking and The Way Forward

How Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts Work

Essentially, traffickers are illicit business people who are adapting to the changing economic climate along with everyone else.

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Dark Bali: An Explanation

Dark Bali Explanation 2

The Vision The vision of Dark Bali is simple. We want to see slavery abolished and the lives of survivors restored throughout Indonesia. We do this by strengthening and equipping those on the front lines of abolition work – the caregivers, the non-profits, the government agencies and police, and the community leaders advocating on behalf of trafficking […]

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They Buy Baby Clothes

The Buy Baby Clothes 2

I know the power of a mother’s love. That’s love that will go through hell every single night if it is the only way to keep my baby from suffering. That’s love that would never breathe a word of my own suffering to keep his world innocent and perpetuate his belief that I can protect him. That’s love that buys baby clothes from rape money.

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Why Child Trafficking Survivors Obey

Why Child Trafficking Survivors Obey

Obedience can be a product of fear, and to be frank, child survivors are very good at this kind of obedience. They know exactly what it is like to do something only because they know the threat behind the command to obey. This is not the kind of obedience that we want in our aftercare centers. Children that obey merely because they fear the consequences are not healed children.

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Human Trafficking, Adaptation, & COVID-19

HT and COVID update

Human traffickers are clever and adaptive, changing with their evolving landscapes to keep their profits ever-increasing through the exploitation of human beings. The response must be equally smart and flexible…

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Small Business as Re-Entry Prevention

small business

What options are available for these women and teens coming out of recovery? Often women left with no other choice, or because of shame or poor understanding of self-worth, go back to what they know… Counter trafficking efforts have to include after after-care to break that cycle of reentry.

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Hospitality in a Brothel


It was the last thing I expected in a brothel. I guess in my mind a brothel was just a hell-hole devoid of any humanity. But there it was… “Can I get you something to drink? It’s really hot in here.” She was right. It WAS hot in there. The air was still and stifling. […]

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