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The Global Learning Community Project (GLC)

The Global Learning Community (GLC)

GLC logo

The GLC began as a Chab Dai (Cambodia) Coalition project in 2012 to build a coordinated and informed anti-trafficking movement, on a global scale.

In 2021 the GLC transitioned from a Chab Dai project to a cooperative community project with its own vision, mission and core values, all of which were chosen by the community members. In 2023, the GLC community voted for Dark Bali to join Chab Dai as co-secretariat, and in July 2024, Dark Bali became the sole secretariat of the Global Learning Community for a 3 year term

One of Dark Bali’s primary objectives is to connect the Indonesian grassroots anti-trafficking community into the global space, and the GLC has been a fantastic mechanism to achieve this goal. We were thrilled to bring in many of our coalition partners into the GLC community as well as pilot the translation of the GLC’s Monthly Learning Calls into the Indonesian language so that English is not necessary for participation for our coalition.

GLC Member Map June 2024
With over 240 members in 46+ countries, the community represents NGOs, networks and alliances, academia, government, businesses and consultants, who all come together with a shared vision to build a movement beyond their own organizations.

Vision: To strengthen and foster a comprehensive, connected, and competent anti-trafficking & modern slavery movement

Mission: As a culturally diverse, global community, we collaboratively strengthen standards, facilitate connections and learning, and implement creative & innovative solutions within the anti-trafficking & modern slavery movement.

Our four key project objectives areas are;

  • Objective 1: To inform, support and facilitate member development and connections within the anti- trafficking community, partners and collaborators

  • Objective 2: To encourage the Community to establish Community Projects and support, including Coffee Corner Calls, that provides peer technical assistance and support for GLC members and the broader movement

  • Objective 3: Equity Partners – To facilitate peer learning, coaching, connections and leading projects through a commitment of time up to 20% sweat equity contributions

  • Objective 4: To oversee and implement the administrative functions as the GLC secretariat